The Universe constantly shows you that life extends beyond what’s physically perceptible. And not realizing this or not connecting to the invisible energy within you can impede things from running smoothly in your life
This subtle energy includes the chakra system, a set of seven chakras thought to act as gatekeepers for the areas they’re associated with. When these deep-rooted lights of colors such as violet, blue, green, and orange don’t run smoothly through your body and don’t vibrate with energy, your vitality might suffer. That could explain why you sometimes are in such a bad mood without any explanation or feel discomfort in a certain part of the body, although pathologically speaking, there’s nothing to worry about. If the solar plexus chakra, for instance, is blocked, it’s possible to experience symptoms of indigestion, as well as shyness and insecurity, since this chakra governs self-confidence.
Any guru would tell you that these points of spiritual energy are a testament to a strong body-mind connection. So, even if you’re a bit sceptical about this subject, we recommend meditation to get a deeper understanding of chakras and balance from crown to root. Below are some fruitful meditation exercises for each of the seven chakras. Try them and thank us later.
Root Chakra
The root chakra, or Muladhara, refers to foundations and basic needs, and it’s situated at the base of the spine. It’s attributed to the color red and is strongly connected to the earth. So, a powerful way to bring this chakra into balance is to practise outdoor meditation. Place your feet barefoot on earth to feel the energy running through your body – this will help you feel more centred, grounded, and safe. The earth’s grounding energy can restore stability in periods of uncertainty, whether it’s about a romantic relationship or a challenging financial situation.
As with any meditation exercise, grounding meditation requires focusing on your breathing and becoming aware of each of your body parts, starting with your feet and slowly going up. A helpful method to immerse in this kind of meditation is to imagine the lotus flower radiating light, spinning, and glowing.
Sacral Chakra
The sacral chakra, or Svadhisthana, is situated in the lower abdomen and relates to emotional intelligence, pleasure, passion, and aliveness. It can also refer to accepting change and connecting to others, dictating the sexual energy flowing through your body. When you feel rigid or stuck in a particular situation, the sacral chakra helps you connect to your emotional centre. However, if this energetic point is blocked, you’re prone to experience a lot of unwanted energy.
Meditation is a powerful method to connect to your emotional needs, accept negative feelings, and finally let them go. If it helps, imagine a vibrant setting sun glowing orange over the ocean. You can also visualise your breath as sea waves while focusing on the area associated with this chakra. If you find it hard to immerse in Svadhisthana meditation, consider crystals your allies in balancing your sacral chakra. There are many gemstone wholesale options to choose from for this particular activity and use to connect with your highest self.
Solar Plexus Chakra
The solar plexus chakra, or Manipura, dictates your warrior nature, giving you the confidence and strength to face diverse situations. This chakra can give you empowerment, but it can also let you down if blocked. To balance your solar plexus, you need to practice meditation, a morning visualization for the chakra more exactly. Deep-belly breathe so you can feel your tummy expand with every breath, and then visualize yourself going through the day ahead. The power of yellowish fire will help you burn away feelings of insecurity, inadequacy, and fear.
Heart Chakra
The heart chakra, or Anahata, is the middle chakra that connects the above-mentioned chakras, which involve physical energy, with the next ones on this list, which refers to spiritual energy. This chakra governs how you show love and process emotion, so if you ever feel broken-hearted, lonely, or closed off, know that it’s this chakra that’s at the core of these feelings. Feeding the emerald-green light of the heart chakra helps you feel loved, at peace with yourself, generous, and safe.
You can tend to the heart through yoga. This consists of numerous heart-opening poses, including wheel, warrior 2, and shoulder flossing. And after finishing this, consider a meditation on everything you feel grateful for. You’ll get in touch with the spiritual heart itself, a pink diamond that inspires beauty, love, and goodness.
Throat Chakra
The throat chakra, or Visuddha, is all about the ability to speak your personal truth. The throat chakra governs self-expression and communication, so when there is an imbalance in this chakra, it’s possible to have a difficult time expressing yourself and feel anxious about communicating. Such feelings may have their root in childhood or past life when you might have been silenced, but you can let them go through meditation. Crystal meditation, particularly with crystals such as turquoise calcite or blue lace agate, is especially helpful in strengthening your throat chakra. Also, essential oils like German chamomile, frankincense, rosemary, and lavender can help you feed this light.
Third-Eye Chakra
As its name also suggests, the third-eye chakra refers to your ability to see beyond what lies on the surface, being strongly associated with intuition. It’s situated between the eyebrows and represented by indigo or royal blue, which is often associated with night. When this chakra is blocked, you may find it hard to trust your intuition and expand your vision for the future. To stimulate the Ajna chakra, consider mindfulness meditation – this will dial down the volume of uncertainty and up awareness.
Crown Chakra
Often called the gateway to your highest self, the crown chakra (Sahasrara) helps you connect to your spiritual center. It’s the antidote to feelings of hopelessness, heaviness, and isolation and the last of the seven chakras that will help you understand your true purpose. You’ll finally realize that life has a deeper meaning and be able to get rid of negative emotions. Grateful meditation is the best way to ascend to the best version of yourself.
Inhale, exhale: reach your highest self through meditation and align your chakras through meditation.