Using the body's natural energy for healing has been around for centuries. In Eastern medicine, these techniques are widespread, and most practitioners and their clients would attest to their benefits.
However, not everyone is convinced about the effectiveness of these methods. But it could be because they don't have enough information about why they’re so powerful. Due to their complex nature, understanding the energy fields of the body and how they affect a person’s health isn't something that one can quickly grasp.
On the other hand, there are many different techniques with their own complexities and merits. To give some insight into the various options and their effectiveness in energy medicine and healing, read more here:
With its origins in Japan, this technique is trusted by many with a firm belief in energy healing. The method involves a very hands-on approach by the practitioner, and they aim to transfer universal energy to their clients to improve their recovery.
Practitioners incorporate the use of symbols during a Reiki session. There are symbols for power, harmony, distance, the master, and completion that one can incorporate into daily activities. However, to understand the different Reiki symbols meaning, they would have to do some form of training.
In addition, Reiki is better understood when a person attends a session with a healer who can explain all the techniques as they go. This ancient form of energy healing has many aspects that took years to perfect. Hence, you won't understand them all in one short explanation.
Educational Kinesiology Combinations
Although this technique isn’t a pure form of energy healing, it encompasses many of the energy healing principles. Most sessions combine physical exercise that keeps the brain and body healthy while some methods use the energy centers and ancient energy meridians of the body.
During what the practitioners refer to as a balance, they could use acupressure, meridian massage, and holding points on specific energy points. Breathing is a big part of the process, which practitioners and their clients believe calms the nervous system and resets the body's energy to be more positive.
Significantly, the belief that the body, mind, and soul need to be in harmony flows through the teachings of this technique. And this is evident in the multiple sources of information from various methods combined into this practice.
Qigong For Body And Soul
Another of the Eastern practices that many still follow rigorously today. In China, the techniques of Qigong are a method for them to meditate while performing slow movements in a flowing pattern. They combine this with deep breathing to address issues like self-healing, mind training, and preparation for martial arts.
This technique centers around the qi (pronounced ‘chi'), which they regard as the body's life force. Life energy is the balance of all the energy centers in the body, and those who practice Qigong have noted that they feel calmer and more relaxed throughout the day.
With the body's physical movement, deep breathing, and the relaxing state of meditation, this technique also focuses on a holistic approach to healing.
Deep Acting Craniosacral Therapy
The premise of this technique is that the energy fields emitted by the body would affect the flow of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain and spinal cord. When energy disrupts the flow of this liquid, the body can experience many responses like anxiety, depression, pain, and other emotional or physical reactions.
Therapists use forms of feather-light touch and massage to re-align the energy flow and thus restore the movement of the cerebrospinal fluid to its optimal range. Clients who have experienced this technique say it’s extremely relaxing with lasting effects.
Like all the other energy healing techniques, craniosacral therapy is a non-invasive method. It can treat various illnesses and conditions for those who choose energy healing methods over traditional medicine.
The Art Of Thai Chi
Most energy healing practices have their roots in Eastern medicine, and Thai Chi is no exception. People classify Thai Chi as a martial art with benefits, basing many of the movements and techniques on the principle of Yin and Yang.
People who decided to take up this non-violent sport have noted that their health improved by practicing the techniques regularly. According to a Thai Chi master, balancing the light and dark, or good and bad sides of one's body and mind, have many positive effects on physical and emotional health.
Traditionally, weapons, uniforms, and specific training rituals are involved, but they can be less complicated for energy healing. Many would say that they enjoy the practice during the early morning hours to set the mood for their day.
Beautifully Done Crystal Healing
Crystals are known for their mysterious charm and some for their rarity. Practitioners of crystal healing would explain that each crystal has a specific frequency of energy that it emits. In turn, these frequencies can change the body's energy fields.
Some crystals like amethyst orgonite pyramid symbolize the body’s energy chakras, and practitioners use them in various ways to clean the energy for different reasons. For instance, the stomach chakra is related to contentment, and having it out of balance could mean that the person may not be as happy as they should be.
On the other hand, one of the best features of crystal healing is that it can go anywhere with that person and exude its benefits all day. A crystal healer would tell you to carry the crystals in your pocket to take in their amazing power to change energy.

People have started moving away from traditional medicinal treatments and have traded them for non-invasive procedures like energy healing. Although it’s not widely known or understood, the practitioners and their clients will tell anyone that asks about the multiple positive changes they’ve noticed in themselves.
However, it’s up to each person to find the technique that would resonate best with them. Some people would combine a few of the methods for different ailments. Whatever the reason for finding another option, these ancient practices seem to become more popular as time goes by and are here to stay.