Kids don't come out with a user manual. Just when you think you've got it all figured out, you realize how wrong you are. No two kids are the same, even twins. So, raising kids is always a learning process. Of course, they're a few things that cut across!
No parent likes making visits to the hospital, not with how busy things are both at home and work. Learn how you can improve your child's health using these tips.
Be Mindful What You Feed The Child
You should watch what your toddler eats. Some foods are known to have high-calorie counts but not many nutrients. These foods can also make your child gain weight that’s not healthy. They can also spoil your child’s appetite for healthier and more nutritious foods.
You can only use these foods as treats. They include cakes, cookies, pastries, fried food like chips, crisps, and processed snacks. Still, you can find healthy snacks that your baby will love at stores like Serenity Kids.
Caffeinated drinks are not recommended for toddlers. Don’t give your child tea and coffee. Also, you should not offer your little one fruit squashes, sweetened foods, or drinks with preservatives. If you are feeding your toddler with baby formula make sure to provide them with only the best organic golden standard baby formula such as Nannycare 3.
A Balanced Diet
The food your little one eats affects their general health. As a result, you should ensure that your kid always eats right. Their snacks and meals should be healthy and well-balanced. If you have trouble finding what is best for your child, check
Most kids are picky eaters. They always want and ask for the ‘wrong’ kind of snacks. To avoid such, train your child from when you start weaning them.
Plan your baby’s meals in advance, so you have everything factored in. In most cases, rushing to prepare food for the baby mostly leads to children having junk food. Make sure that your baby’s meal is balanced and bursting with nutrients. When planning for your family’s food, ensure that you have the proper nutrients from the four main food groups. This includes;
- Fruits/ Vegetables: These are a good source of vitamins and minerals and are best for preventing diseases.
- Starchy Foods: They are an excellent source of energy and essential fibers. These include potatoes, and cereal-based food, such as bread, porridge, and pasta.
- Dairy Products: Dairy products can be a good source of proteins and minerals like calcium. Calcium is good for strong, healthy teeth and bones. Examples of dairy products are milk, cheese, and yogurt.
- Protein: They are rich in proteins, vitamins, and minerals. There are plant-based proteins like pulses (beans) and animal-based (meat, both white and red).
Encourage The Kid To Play Outside
Studies have revealed that active kids who spend more time playing outdoors tend to be healthier than those who don't. With this in mind, you should plan for your child to have some outdoor activities.
When it comes to toddlers, any form of activity counts as a workout. It can be walking or running around the neighborhood. You can also have them play some ball games or do tree climbing, which can stimulate a child's body and mind and improve their coordination. They are also a good source of socialization and can foster teamwork. Fortunately, most toddlers are naturally active, so you may not have trouble getting them to play outside. Don’t forget to let the baby have enough rest too.
Top Up On The Vitamins A, C And D With Supplements
Vitamin D is important for strong bones. Unfortunately, during the winter months, families spend most of their time indoors. As a result, they may not meet the daily absorption of vitamin D.
You should ensure that your kids bask in the sun to absorb the required amount of vitamin D. But don't let them stay out too long since too much exposure to sun rays without sunscreen protection can be harmful.
It is also recommended that kids between six months and five years should take vitamin supplements. Essential supplements should contain Vitamins A, D, and C.
If you check out this dentist in Lafayette, they'll also tell you that vitamins A, C, and D are all beneficial to your dental health. Vitamins A and C are both good for your gums, while vitamin D is necessary for the absorption of calcium.
Encourage The Child To Hydrate
Hydration is as important to babies as it is to adults. Encourage your child to take liquids throughout the day. Water can be a good choice. Breast milk or cow milk for breastfeeding babies.
You don't have to stress about messing with the baby's appetite when it comes to drinking water. Avoid giving your children juice, especially in between meals. Juice can be nasty for the baby's teeth. However, if they must have juice, make sure to dilute it. Let your child have the juice while eating.
Enjoy Meals As A Family
With the rest of the family working or studying, getting the whole family to sit down for a meal can be difficult. However, your baby and the rest of the family should have meals together.
Children learn by copying. Parents and older siblings are often their role models. As such, let your baby see that you are enjoying your food. They may be enticed to try some from their plate, especially if it's the same food as the whole family.
To accommodate your little one, make sure things are easy at the table. Choose food that's easy for your baby to feed himself. This way, he gets to exercise his independence. Motivate him by praising him when he does this or tries something new. Remember, it takes time for babies to acclimate to new food and tastes. So, be patient with them.
They say an apple a day keeps the doctor away! With how busy life is, sometimes getting time to see a doctor can be tricky. There are non-complicated things you can do at home that will help improve your baby's overall health. Make sure the baby is eating healthy, active, hydrated, and taking vitamin D supplements.