People commonly experience an ankle sprain injury. It is one of the highest experienced injuries in sports populations. Approximately 85% of all ankle sprains come in Inversion-type, lateral ligament injuries and couldn't get to approach Best Physiotherapy Toronto in time.
If rehabilitation is not properly carried out after an initial Sprain, there is an increased chance of injury recurrence.
Athletes with chronic ankle instability find it challenging to be consistent with practices and competitions. It requires ongoing care to remain active and exhibit sub-optimal performance.
Although it cannot be predicted who would have an accident, some factors that can cause ankle sprain include; reduced proprioception, sports, limited dorsiflexion, pre-season deficiencies in postural control, etc.
An ankle sprain injury can become a long-term problem if not properly attended to. Some people who have constant or very painful sprains would develop joint pain and weakness over an extended period. Proper treatment of a sprain in the ankle can help prevent further ankle problems.
This is why physiotherapy services are important to ensure your ankle completes its healing process and no recurrence of injury occurs.
Before diagnosing an ankle injury as a sprain, you should use the ankle rules of Ottawa to remove possible fractures. Its job is to rule out the clinically significant foot and ankle fractures to reduce x-ray image use.
You can also determine when an x-tray is needed with this basic clinical algorithm. For example, if you have a fracture, the probability that your Ottawa test would be positive is high.
In situations where a hematoma is present, you would most likely have a rupture in the ankle ligament. You can know this by accompanying pain around the distal fibula or an anterior test that proves positive. You should delay the test 4-5 days after injury for optimal test results.
Rehab Guidelines for Ankle Sprain
Remember that the period and the nature of the rehabilitation exercises you're recommended to carry out may differ; it all depends on your doctor's or therapist's preferences.
Let's look at the following examples of typical rehabilitation (rehab) services. Take note to always;
a.Begin exercise gently and use the pain level to control the exercises.
b.Take a break from the exercise if you're experiencing more pain.
Motion range exercises
Range-of-motion exercises should take place shortly after your injury. Ensure you carry out these exercises; also, apply ice on your ankle up to 5 times a day.
These are easy to perform while watching television or behind a desk.
Exercise :
-Alphabet exercise
-Side-to-side knee swing
-Towel curl
Stretching exercises
Begin exercises that help your Achilles tendon to stretch when you know you can do so without pain.
The tendon joins the calf muscles behind the leg with the bone located at the bottom of the heel.
Exercise :
-Towel stretch
-Calf stretch
Strengthening exercises
Speak to your therapist about the duration of the strengthening exercises. Usually, you can begin them when you can stand without increased pain.
Depending on how severe your injury is, you can do 8 to 12 repetitions of these exercises at least once or twice daily for 2 – 4 weeks.
Exercise :
-Elastic band push
-Ankle out
-Ankle in
-Elastic band pull
Balance and Control exercises
A major part of rehabilitation is about regaining control of your muscles. When a sprain occurs, nerve fibers are damaged.
As you recover strength over time, your brain has to regain its sense of the location of your ankle and how precisely to move it. This sense is what we call proprioception.
The following exercises should help you retrain the signals between your ankle and your brain.
Exercise :
-Pillow balance with eyes closed
-Balance with eyes closed
-Basic balance.