If you had implants for quite a while, no longer like the appearance of your burst, are not comfortable with the size or shape of your breasts, or had complications that affected the feel and appearance of your breast, implant revision surgery might be an ideal option for you.
A breast implant revision in Orange County can bring significant positive changes making you happier and contented with your general appearance.
What is a breast augmentation revision?
A breast augmentation revision surgery involves the replacement of the old implants with new ones, consequently improving or changing the appearance of your breasts. This might include a reduction or lift, or simply decreasing or increasing the size of the breast implants.
The motives for getting a breast augmentation revision include:
- A yearning to change the position, size, or shape of the breasts, a change from silicone to saline implants or vice versa,
- A rectification of implant-associated problems such as implant leak or rupture, or capsular contracture.
- A desires a for a better breast appearance
- To minimize the look of drooping breast implants or sagging tissue over the implants.
In case you are considering breast implant replacement surgery, it is important to note that it might be a complex procedure, as it has to be specially designed to meet your desires and goals and deal with pre-existing conditions, scarring, and/or other issues from your earlier implant surgery or multiple surgeries. That is why the procedure needs to be performed by a certified plastic surgeon experienced with all breast enhancement surgeries.
The revision surgeon will carry out a comprehensive consultation, including a history and review of previous records. Next, the surgeon will develop a plan of action that precisely addresses your unique needs for the surgery and review it in detail with you before the surgery.
Why breast implant revision?
Among the reasons for getting a breast implant replacement is: if you experience pain from capsular contracture of your existing implants. This will require a capsulectomy and a capsulotomy to address the tautness from the scar tissue.
Another reason for breast implant revision is to correct asymmetry which happens when one implant settles in a different way from the other. Moreover, if your breasts were asymmetrical before getting implants, you might require revision surgery to make them as symmetric as possible.
Additionally, you can undertake a breast implant replacement if you have symmastia (which brings your breasts too close to each other) in an attempt to have a more appealing cleavage. Rectification of symmastia can be realized by working on the breast capsule but might require reducing the size of the implants. Sometimes implants appear to sit too high if the capsular contracture changes the implant position, or if the breast tissue cascades or sags off the implant, causing an unnatural look.
Sometimes the reason for breast implant replacement is a personal aesthetic preference, like the desire to replace older saline implants with newer silicone ones. Silicone breast implants can minimize rippling if it is an issue with your saline implants.
Rippling can happen even with silicone breast implants, and replacement surgery, in this case, can address the issue.
Am I a candidate for breast implant replacement surgery?
Breast implant replacement surgery is for people who previously have had a breast augmentation and are not comfortable with the outcome for reasons such as the size, shape, and overall feel and appearance of their breasts.
Breast implant revisions address implant-linked problems and fix any aesthetic concerns by changing the current implants and revising other cosmetic particulars of your breasts. Good breast implant revision candidates are physically stable people; these are people with no active medical issues, are nonsmokers, and have a healthy weight. The plastic surgeon will assess your present health and decide whether a breast implant replacement surgery is an option for you.
Perhaps importantly, you need to keep your breast implant surgery expectations positive but realistic. An experienced plastic surgeon can manage your expectations and assist in ensuring that you are comfortable with the outcome of the breast implant replacement. There might be natural features specific to your body that may limit or affect the outcome, and your surgeon should discuss this with you during consultation.
In case you are thinking of undertaking a breast implant replacement, you need to spend time reviewing photos from the plastic surgeon, as well as seeking to know what to expect during the recovery process. Good preparation will assist you in keeping positive and realistic expectations and have an easier recovery process.
What do you expect during a breast lift consultation?

During your breast implant revision consultation Breast augmentation surgery, by Dr. Ronald M. Friedman in Plano, TX provides volume,cleavage,& upper breast fullness in women with naturally small breasts that enhance their beauty and posture., your surgeon will ask several questions – and you need to come ready to ask your questions. The plastic surgeon may want to know the results you desire to achieve with the breast revision, your existing medical condition, prescription vitamins, drug allergies, herbal supplements, medications you presently take, and any previous surgeries or medical treatments. Moreover, your surgeon will ask about any drug or alcohol use.
A physical examination will cover the status of your present breast implants, their shape, and size, sagging or drooping, asymmetry of nipple position and breast volume, and the general breast appearance.
The surgeons will then take measurements of the breasts, nipple to including sternal notch distance, inframammary to nipple distance, and breast diameter. Additionally, the surgeons note the general skin quality and distribution of breast tissue.