Every day, new research comes out about certain treatments or other areas of health care. With the massive amount of data we have gathered on the treatment of disease and the ability to effectively manage a healthcare system, it seems like we should all be healthy and our hospitals should function without any issues.
However, this is far from the truth. We have huge problems in the healthcare realm, and we need to quickly change methods before another issue such as the COVID-19 pandemic enters our lives again.
Luckily, companies such as Vizient are working with healthcare systems to improve their operational efficiency and to ensure that their supply chains are not running into any issues.
The COVID-19 Pandemic
At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the world was in turmoil. No one knew for certain who to trust, what treatment advice to follow, or anything else pertaining to the disease.
Unfortunately, during these early days, many people around the world became very sick with the virus. When this happened, these individuals, of course, went to the hospital for treatment. But the hospitals were facing problems of their own. As a result of so many people seeking care at the same time, many of these patients dealing with serious symptoms, the hospital beds filled up.
This necessitated expanding operations to larger facilities. In some instances, hospitals even used nearby stadiums and concert venues in order to triage patients. Even worse, nurses and doctors themselves were becoming sick, causing them to miss work and making the patient management issues much more complex.
To top it all off, as governments restricted imports and exports in an attempt to curb the spread of the virus, many countries found that their hospitals were running out of protective equipment. Gloves, syringes, masks, and many other items were very hard to come by due to the global supply chains that had been disrupted.
Overcoming Difficult Times
Thankfully, companies such as Vizient were able to help healthcare systems navigate this tumultuous time. Vizient assisted hospitals and other health-related facilities in sourcing necessary materials as well as managing their clinics.
Through implementing some of the strategies and methods promoted by Vizient, hospitals were, slowly but surely, able to move past the issues related to COVID-19 so that patients could return home and clinicians could finally take a break.
The supply chain issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic were, by no means, easy problems to solve. Every business is so interconnected these days that it can be almost impossible to be familiar with all parts of a global supply chain unless something catastrophic goes wrong.
Vizient understands this issue and is well adept at overcoming it.
Beyond just supply chain issues, however, the company also assists hospitals in improving efficiency. Inefficiency is often associated with decreased profits and inadequate patient care. Vizient knows that doctors and nurses want to give the best care they can, but they are constrained by inefficient systems.
If you need to find a good system of health care performance improvement, or are struggling due to ongoing supply chain issues, contact Vizient today!