Occasionally women have cramps or pain in the uterus during sexual intercourse or after orgasm. Why does this phenomenon occur? Why does my stomach hurt after sex? How to avoid these cramps? When is it necessary to see a specialist?
First, from a medical point of view, a cramp is “an involuntary and painful contraction of a muscle, which lasts a short time but can generate significant discomfort. Cramps are involuntary muscle contractions and stress that are frequent and normally occur after intense muscular activity such as physical exercise.
Why does my stomach hurt after sex?
With this definition as a basis, why does sexual intercourse sometimes cause cramps or pain in the uterus? Specialists respond that contractions occur during and after sexual activity in the myometrium (the muscle fibers that make up the uterus) that can be very intense, last several minutes, and be perceived as painful.
On the other hand, the uterus can contract due to other causes since the myometrium is in charge of labor contractions. Still, it can also contract in other situations such as menstruation, ovulation, and the presence of a foreign body such as an IUD or uterine infections.
More frequent during orgasm
Uterine discomfort such as cramps can appear at any time during sexual intercourse, although they are more common and intense when the woman reaches orgasm and after it. The female orgasm is mainly characterized by intermittent contractions in the muscles of the genitals. The rhythmic contraction of the muscles of the urogenital area causes the walls of the outermost area of the vagina to narrow. In the vagina, in the same way, there are contractions of the uterus and anus.
Likewise, this type of contractions in the uterus after orgasm is related to the secretion of hormones and the natural preparation of the woman's body for conception: During orgasm, various substances are released, including oxytocin, which also of generating pleasure, it causes rhythmic contractions of the uterus and vaginal walls that can produce contractions of the uterine muscle.
Why does my stomach hurt after sex? Causes of discomfort during sex:
Apart from uterine cramps or contractions, women can experience discomfort during sexual intercourse caused by different reasons. The most frequent causes are:
- poor lubrication,
- loss of vaginal elasticity due to estrogen deficiency,
- cracks due to genital microtrauma or a genital injury after previous intercourse,
- infections active or unnoticed genitalia,
- previous dyspareunia (pain during penetration) or a history of pain with sexual intercourse.
Uterine discomfort may be due to factors such as “menstruation, ovulation, and infections of the urinary tract or genital tract, having some previous surgery, suffering from endometriosis, the presence of cysts in the ovary or uterine fibroids, or being a carrier of an IUD. Even the position of the uterus in certain sexual positions can cause pain—for example, women in the first trimester of pregnancy or those whose uterus is directed backward.
Other situations that can make sex painful are the presence of vaginal septa, alterations of the hymen, changes and contractions of the nearby muscles of the vagina (vaginismus), and the presence of varicose veins in the pelvis.
Endometriosis and pain during sexual intercourse
Pain or discomfort during or after sex or intercourse is one of the symptoms of this progressive disease that affects the quality of life.
Pain during sex is part of the symptoms of endometriosis. This disease can compromise the pelvic structures and organs (intestine, bladder, ureters, etc.) and thus produce abdominal and pelvic pain and compromise reproductive potential.
Diagnosing rather late due to ignorance of the symptoms makes the difference. Here is why the pain appears and what to do.
Why does endometriosis often lead to pain during sexual intercourse?
Endometriosis is located in the posterior part of the uterus to the sacrum. Every time menstruation occurs, the endometriotic implants react in the same way, which causes internal menstruation with local inflammation and fibrosis over time, and the neighboring structures adhere. In the vicinity of the ligaments are sensory nerves that conduct pain.
During sexual intercourse, and more specifically in deep penetration, contact is made with the area compromised by endometriosis, and pain is triggered. The pain is more intense during intercourse, and affected women can sometimes recognize certain positions that are particularly bothersome. The pain can also persist after sexual intercourse.
Could this pain be associated with other symptoms, such as low libido?
Libido is affected because relationships are annoying, and a kind of conditioned reflex is generated, a vicious circle – “if I have sex, it will hurt” -desire is inhibited and, therefore, libido is affected.
Talking about pain during intercourse can be difficult for many women. It is taken for granted that intercourse should always be pleasurable, and the reality is that sex may not be pleasurable or pain-free for all women on all occasions. For many normal reasons, many women may experience pain during intercourse, called dyspareunia, at different times. It is normal when it is experienced, sometimes, only in some sexual positions or associated with ailments of other abdominal organs, such as episodes of intestinal distension.
Why does my stomach hurt after sex?
According to some studies, 1 in 5 women experiences pain during sexual intercourse. The pain can be superficial or deep in the pelvis and accompanied by burning, itching, and abnormal flow. Most women experience superficial pain at the level of the vaginal opening.
How is the treatment?
It must be consistent with the condition's origin, but it will always require a clinical history, gynecological control, and treatment of the underlying physical or psychological processes.
If necessary, changes in sexual technique, advice on desensitization exercises, and talking with the partner about this difficulty can be helpful. If the process is long-standing, it is normal to feel fear of pain emotionally, and part of the treatment is to break that circle of lack of arousal, pain, fear of pain, no desire for the relationship, and so on.
When should a specialist at USA Fibroid Centers be consulted?
Whenever this symptom causes stress, the woman feels it alters her quality of life and her relationship life. Consult with our specialists to look into the matter if it gets definite.
Many women with persistent and severe dyspareunia never see their doctor. Doing so can improve your sex life, emotional intimacy, and self-esteem.
Schedule your appointment today at USA Fibroid Centers