There are moments when you feel like doing so many things in a day and there are days you want to lie down and chill in your bed, and both are perfectly fine. In this demanding world, it’s easy to succumb to the clamor of events and people around you, which eventually stresses you out and leaves you unproductive.
Stress is the number one thing that exhausts people today, along with unhealthy life choices. So, managing your stress while choosing to live a healthy life is something you need to consider doing to achieve the many things you dream and aspire for.
Even in your late 20s, it’s not too late to do something to enrich your life and achieve your dreams if you haven’t yet. Besides, personal development is something you can accomplish at any stage of your life.
To have a healthy and productive life is a choice, and you can accomplish much if you have created habits that will ensure you will fulfill the responsibilities under your name. To guide you in this aspect, here are some essential practices to help you:
Set A Daily Goal
To achieve something, you must set a daily goal to make that dream attainable. It would help if you worked on it slowly because nothing can be achieved with the flick of a finger. In life, there’s a process, and if you’re always rushing things, you’ll likely end up disappointing yourself.
A daily goal could be unrelated to work or studies but something that would enrich you, like reading a chapter of a book you love, watching an educational video, or listening to an academic podcast. These small things add up and eventually will help you in your journey toward achieving your dream.
Your dreams can come true if you do something tangible about it. Remember, when you want something, the universe will conspire to let you achieve it. You cannot accomplish it by just sitting down. The idea of manifesting is turning your dreams into reality through the law of attraction.
The laws of attraction can be accomplished by making a vision board, meditating, journaling, and speaking positive affirmations. Getting everything you want may sound greedy and impossible, but getting what you want the most is something you can do for yourself to benefit the people around you. This can be attainable through positive thinking and hard work.
Create A Simple To-Do List
Sometimes, a long to-do list is already a struggle to look at, so create a simple and attainable list so you don’t pressure yourself too much. The thing to remember is to be gentle with yourself. Be a friend to yourself instead of being the enemy, and don’t demand too much if you feel that it’s something unrealistic at the moment.
Some people prefer to write it down on paper; some would rely on their mobile devices. Whatever suits your fancy would do. What’s great is it should be a list you can tick off as you go along. Some people have the list on their heads, and that’s fine too, as long as you remember to accomplish them and pace your day as you go along so you won’t tire yourself quickly.

Exercise At Least Thirty Minutes Every Day
Exercise is one thing that many people tend to overlook, especially those who are of the right weight. Exercising is not only for people who want to lose weight; it should be for everybody.
Moderate to vigorous exercise provides many health benefits. It gives your body strength, improves your lung function, and strengthens your cognitive faculties. For those whose work requires them to sit for extensive periods, exercising and stretching at least every two hours is a must-do to prevent blood pooling on the legs and causing painful varicose veins.
Avoid Smoking And Drinking
Smoking and drinking have been linked to several health problems because their addictive components can be hard to resist. These include illnesses like heart disease and cancer. In addition, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has reported that there have been more than seven million smoking-related deaths per year worldwide, while there have been three million deaths per year from the harmful use of alcohol. Thus, you must avoid them the best way you can.
Reward Yourself
Motivating yourself with a reward for all your hard work and efforts the entire day is considered a wise move. It could be an hour of uninterrupted time doing nothing, a day in a spa, or just indulging in your favorite food.
You can ignite a waning passion with something that excites you. If you feel like you’re losing interest in something, you might be in the early stages of demotivation, and if this progresses, you might be on the verge of depression, which you need to overcome early on.
A simple treat like a hair makeover, watching a movie, getting to bed early, or extending your alarm in the morning can make you feel that you’re not pushing your body and mind too much.
Spend Less Time On Your Devices
You know how browsing social media pages can take so many hours of your day, and you end up not accomplishing what you set out to do. This is because while mobile devices can be beneficial, they can also be a significant distraction. Hence, set a limit on yourself. Perhaps two hours a day are enough to get updated with what’s happening around you.
A healthy and productive lifestyle is easily achieved if you plan and create workable habits you can include in your daily life. Be open to improving yourself and transforming your life because nothing is impossible with hard work, perseverance, and positivity.