In human history, smartphones have revolutionized humankind the way the invention of the wheel did. We cannot imagine our lives without smartphones. You will find many people on the street looking at their phones, i.e. if you decide to look up from your phone. Just kidding!
Whether you want to know traffic updates, weather updates, set your alarm, see the map or find the nearest best restaurant; you will instantly whip out your phone and then will be lost in it.
In this article, we will look at the positive and negative influence of smartphones on our lives and also, how to make it worth your while.
What is the impact of smartphones on our lives?
Smartphones have become one of the necessities in an individual’s life. One can’t imagine his/her life without a smartphone. The first thing we do when we wake up in the morning is to check our phones. The last thing we do before sleeping is probably the same.
Do you know that an individual spends about over 3 hours staring at their phone in a day? We didn't notice this time. It has become our habit. And it is affecting our lifestyle. Because every picture has two sides. And we cannot ignore its negative impact on us as an individual, as well as a society.
How has your smartphone impacted your life and daily routine?
Everyone has different experiences and it also varies on the usage. Many people have worked just using their smartphones because they couldn’t afford a laptop! Many people grew their businesses via smartphones. You must have seen students studying in online classes, or adults having virtual yoga classes. In truth, there is no limit to the use of smartphones.
We consume lots of data online. The internet community recommends using VPN protection while browsing the web. The VPN server will mask your identity and save you from data theft.
Why it is important to protect mobile devices and how you can do this with a VPN:
We must protect our phone data as we have our whole lives recorded on our phones. Technology has totally changed the activity levels of a common person.The efficient and fast VPN server will protect your online activity and keep your data secured. Under the protection of a VPN server you can use your smartphones freely.
It is wise to use a VPN whenever you are using;
- WiFi at a Public place
- Traveling
- Online Streaming
- Online Shopping
- Accessing your bank account or
- Other sensitive information
Because during these activities our phones are highly vulnerable to third party data and malicious activities. VeePN is one of the most powerful VPN services which provides you access to online streaming sites without compromising your identity.
The good impact of smartphones on people's lives
Smartphones have positively impacted our lives in so many unimaginable ways.
A few of them are listed below.
Well Connected:
Smartphones are the quickest way of communicating with your friends and family from all around the world. Your loved ones are just a click away and you are closer to them than ever before. Video calls and group meetings actually open a completely new arena of work from home, reducing the commute time and cost. All credit goes to smartphones.
Whether it's grocery shopping or clothing, you can buy almost everything now just through your smartphone. There are so many options available online thanks to E-commerce. On the other hand, it boosts the E-Commerce industry and helps shopkeepers to market their products and increase their revenues. The major factor is again a smartphone.
You don’t need to worry about addresses and locations any more. You can go anywhere now by just using a navigator on your smartphone. Not only this, you can also get reviews about the experiences of different users about any specific place. It will help you in your decision making. Further, lots of companies started commuting services by just using smartphone applications. This also increases the job opportunities for the community.
The bad influence of cell phones on people's lives
When we talk about bad influences, again there are so many factors. It has totally changed the way our brains work. It has significantly reduced the amount of brain we use on a daily basis. If we can’t remember the meaning of the word, we would immediately take out our phone. We don’t memorize phone numbers, addresses, mathematical problems anymore because it is all in our smartphones.
And it is taking a toll on our mental as well as physical health.
Let’s look at the negative factors of a smartphone below:
According to one survey, an average user spends almost three to four hours daily on their smartphone and this is other than the work-related usage. So collectively smartphones take 8 to 10 hours of our daily routine and most of it goes to ads watching, playing games and scrolling irrelevant posts and videos. It increases the amount of time of procrastination. We spend hours on our phones and do not realize that our other tasks are left to be done.
Despite so many advantages, the excessive use of a smartphone eventually causes an addiction which drags you towards absent mindedness, social life imbalance, anxiety and stress. We fear conversations and take out our phones in public gatherings. We seldom look around in a bus or train. We are always lost in our phones and the world passes by.
Reduced Attention Span:
The average human has now an attention span less than a goldfish’s. Yes, research has shown that we cannot even focus on a given task for more than seven seconds. Just imagine, the most powerful creature on the planet has fallen prey to the excessive usage of smartphones.
We cannot totally erase smartphones from our lives. It has its benefits with its negative impact. What we can do is monitor our activity closely and work on reducing it slowly. It will help us minimize its negative impact and improve our well being.